The task was to defend Germanys Number One Bank account against low-cost competitors amongst the crucial target group of younger customers. Our Solution was to initialize an interactive contest between two MTV-presenters, who are well known to the young audience: Joko and Klaas. So to speak: The best account was looking for the best testimonial. Core of the campaign was a Micro- and Mobile-Site as well as social Media. There, users could watch an series of battle-webisodes, each featuring an USP of the account. After watching the webisode, users could vote for their favorite. Attention was generated through TV- and Cinema Commercials, Print- and Online-Advertising etc. The integrated campaign became a benchmark for financial Advertising in Germany and helped Sparkasse to build a facebook-fanbase from zero to 130.000 in just a couple of weeks.

Agency: Jung von Matt/Spree
Executive Creative Direction: Wolfgang Schneider, Mathias Stiller, Thomas Schwarz.
Creative Direction: Max Millies, Marius Lohmann, Jan Harbeck.
Art Direction: Oskar Strauss, Duc Nguyen, Daniel Haschtmann.
Copywriting: Nicolas Linde, David Missing, Alescha Lechner.